jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

Back to business: what's the store going to look like?

As we've been talking to friends, colleagues and potential investors over the last few weeks, a few people have been asking me "ok but what's this REALLY all about?" In response, I think seeing the mockup is always a great way to understand a business. So, here's an extract from our investors' Powerpoint, to give you some idea.

Design will be an important element - the store is intended to look cool - as will in-store campaigns on eco-issues. Note the two big video screens in the front, which will be an important part of these campaigns, engaging with customers, to attract them into the store, and explaining products.

Any thoughts, comments, feedback welcome.

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009

And let's not forget the business opportunity: Washington summit

While most people's eyes are focused on Copenhagen, the world's businesspeople will quite possibly be paying more attention to this summit that's going on in Washington...

This underlines that what bgreen is aiming to do is just part of a global industry which is about to be very big indeed.

Debate on the whether is over, it's time to think about the how.

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

Copenhagen countdown - staying the right side of 2ºC

Less than a week to go to Copenhagen: to what might, when we look back in twenty or thirty years, turn out to have been the most important inflection point of our lifetimes between two possible futures: that of truly putting us on the road to resolving climate change, or not. In the UK, it is also quite likely to be the last important action of the Labour administration which started in 1997, and the country therefore has a short window of opportunity in which to act (frankly, it's incredibly unlikely, despite Cameron's protestations to the contrary, that a Tory administration would act in this area aggressively).

Our political systems, however, so adept in acting in the event of immediate threats such as military attack, seem hopelessly inadequate to act in the event of a slow-moving crisis. In the event of failure, even such measured and sensible people as Al Gore are advocating that "civil disobedience has its role to play" and, despite myself, he may just have a point.

Let's not fluff it.