domingo, 12 de julio de 2009

We're number one so far - but let's not get carried away...

Well I know we shouldn't read too much into these things - the popularity ratings on The Good Entrepreneur are not obligatory reading for the judges, after all, and it's hardly a random sample of people - but this is obviously pleasing. We went to no. 1 later on the first day of launch, then spent a little time as no. 2 and no. 3, but we have now been no. 1 since Friday and have pulled slightly ahead of the other entries (average rating 4 vs. 3.5 for the entries in 2nd and 3rd positions).

There are now 15 entries, and I'd guess at this rate we will be talking about a maximum of 30 entries, although there could be a last-minute surge. I'm delighted, although it would be quite ambitious to expect that we will be able to keep this up for the next 3 weeks as new entries come in.

Also nice was the fact that the comments have been almost overwhelmingly positive (not that we're against a little healthy debate). But there's still a long, long way to go, we need to impress the judges, not just the visitors to the website, encouraging though it might be to see these figures.

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