miércoles, 29 de julio de 2009

1000 video views on The Good Entrepreneur

Yup, we got there this morning. And we are no.2 in the charts. That's fine, the key thing now is to prepare for the next few weeks to make sure our plans are watertight.

I'm in London this week, and have just seen some energy-efficiency products being sold in a large, out-of-town hardware store (B&Q), which got my attention (see dodgy picture taken on mobile, left).

However, they're being sold just like Home Depot do in the States, i.e. not all in one place and just a fraction of what the store stocks. How do they expect people to engage with these products when they're sold like that? There's still no-one doing what we're suggesting, even in the UK which is ahead of Spain on these things.


Oh yes, and the competition dates have slipped a bit, now not announcing finalists till September. I guess this gives us more time to polish everything...

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