sábado, 1 de agosto de 2009

Entries close

Wow, what an incredible number of entries came in at the last minute yesterday (entries are now closed). A staggering 137 entries, assuming there are no more waiting to be put up on the site. We expected a lot less because things were so slow at first (see below posts, we reckoned 50!) But hey, we're ready for the challenge! We are also still doing ok on the popularity board, mostly but not always somewhere in the top 3, which is great. A bunch of entries seem to have just stopped posting, especially those which have been up for a while, which is strange - I would have expected everyone to be active.

Anyway the shortlist will now be announced 21 August, so there are 3 more weeks left on the discussion boards before we can stop looking at them every day to see what's been posted.

Well, we shan't waste this extra time - to work!

Oh yes, and somebody accused me yesterday in a post on our entry of wanting to have a monopoly of the market for these goods and "If you really want to see where your idea is heading, go to North Korea or watch/read George Orwell’s 1984". Incredible but true. Actually I was delighted she seemed to think we would be so successful...

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